1) Select a few strands of pothos for cutting. People generally recommend cuttings around 6 inches long and having a few leaves on each cutting (I did manage to successfully root and grow a plant from a cutting that only had one leaf on it, but that might not always be the easiest way to go about it). You will want 3-4 clippings to plant in a pot to make it look good.
2) Cut vines a quarter inch or so below a root node. These are the little brown bumps that occur every few inches on a pothos vine. Remove leaves from the bottom few inches of the clipping, but make sure you still have a few left! If you have a long vine, you can cut it up into multiple pieces as long as each segment has a root node.
3) Place cuttings in water, making sure the root node (or nodes) are submerged and the leaves are not. Place the cuttings in filtered light (they don't do well with a lot of direct sun light). Roots will grow out from the root nodes. Add water if you notice the water level getting low while the roots are growing.
5) Water often for the first few weeks while the roots establish.
This is my new plant made from three cuttings.
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